Hello 2022! A new year and a fresh start. I am not a huge beleiver in new years resolutions as I feel often you can set so many targets and feel like a failure if you dont reach them. However, i do beleive in setting business goals, it gives you something to strive for and even if you don’t quite reach it you will have still worked harder and focused on what you really want to acheive that year.
2021: My goals
So last year I set myself a few goals, here they are:
To reach a total of 1250 etsy sales
To gain a following on Instagram of 4000 followers (this is my main social media)
To release an illustrated arts and crafts box
To create a fabric product
I am proud to say I have achieved my goals despite all the self doubt and imposter syndrome. I ended the year with 1325 Etsy sales and 4936 Instagram followers. I released my first Bart’s Box and have started work on several more. I also designed some beautiful fabric wall hangings and introduced fabric bags to a tooth fairy kit. It has been a really tough year for everyone and at points I definitely didn’t feel like showing up on social media, making the orders or working on all my admin and photography, but I pushed myself to keep going and now at the end of the year I am pleased with how much I have grown. I am excited to start a new year thought with more understanding, focus and drive.
As a stationery addict, designer and list lover I am super excited to set more goals, and putting them here holds me accountable. If i don’t manage to reach these goals then fine, at least I’ve given it my best shot! A priority for this year is also self care, eating and drinking rather than just continuing to work, going to bed when I’m exhausted as I’ve come to realised that the business wont work when I’m overworked. After all I am also a mum to two young children, and i have my own interests and hobbies, the latter of these always being ignored for work and motherhood. I’m sure that fellow mums and makers reading this can definitely resonate with what I’m saying. We often put everything before ourselves but we need to make sure that we are takin care of ourselves as well as others.
2000 total Etsy sales
6500 Instagram followers
To show my face more on stories/reels and use my hashtag #magicwithmyhollyhouse
blog at least 52 times in the year
Utilise Pinterest and build a following
Improve my photography skills
Finish my marketing course
Be active within the supportive and colourful Indie Roller community
I’ve set one personal goal and that’s to partake in the 1000 hours outdoors challenge with Zelda and Wilma. I’m going to carry this across to my business too, so I’m hoping to take my painting outside, photo my items outside, to get more fresh air and enjoy myself doing so.
What do you think of these goals? Do you think I can reach them? Only time will tell but i’ll try my hardest.
I would love to know if you set goals and what they are. Let me know in the comments or on social media.